How Much Will It Cost

A big part of getting ready to go to college is figuring out how much it’s going to cost. That’s why Carrington College has created a Net Price Calculator. It estimates, for instance, the price of a Carrington College program’s cost of attendance, plus how much federal aid you might qualify to receive. The calculator is intended to provide a starting point for prospective students – financing options are also provided.

The actual cost to attend will vary from student to student and depends on your personal situation. For the most accurate information on the cost of attending Carrington College, contact a Carrington College Financial Services Advisor by visiting the Financial Services office at the Carrington location closest to you, or by calling (877) 344-3316.

For complete information on current tuition cost, please see the Academic Catalog.

The Net Price Calculator and the estimates it provides are intended for use by U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have not already earned a Bachelor’s degree.

Carrington College Net Price Calculator projects living expenses for students from the California Student Aid Commission 2023-24 Student Expense Budget. The student expense budget represents an estimate of a student’s total costs while attending college. This budget accounts for expenses such as housing and food, transportation, and personal expenses, and reflects differing expenses associated with different campuses and different living arrangements. This data is based on average expenses reported by students at the University of California, California State University, California independent institutions, and California Community Colleges in the 2021-22 Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS).

Paying For College at Carrington College
Your education is a big investment, but like most investments, it takes some amount of money up front. A new career can transform your life, so paying for education shouldn’t stand in the way.


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